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A woman’s affair: Experience or offer the miracle of motherhood

Written by Dimitris Papadopoulos, Clinical Embryologist, REA Maternity Hospital.

IVF with egg donation: The ultimate act of solidarity from one woman to another. Experience or offer the miracle of motherhood!

Women’s Case: Why is it important to become an egg donor or recipient?

Do you want your dream of having a child to come true? Do you want to experience the miracle of motherhood? Modern techniques of IVF with egg donation allow many women to make their dreams come true by receiving eggs and finally getting to live this incredible experience. This can be achieved with the offerings and the help from another woman. The egg donor doesn’t just donate her eggs, but also offers complete happiness to a couple.

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The gift of fertility: What exactly is egg donation and which women does it concern?

It took several years, but due to impressive results and plenty of increasing supporters in embryology and in the scientific community, the procedure of IVF with donated eggs has finally been established.

It is, in effect, the donation of genetic material from a donor to a recipient for the purpose of procreation. One woman essentially “lends” her eggs to another, for the IVF procedure.

It is the ideal solution for women who face infertility issues, achieving rates of successful pregnancy as high as 60-70%.

You can find out more about IVF success rates here.

Why become an egg donor?

By choosing to become an egg donor as part of assisted reproduction, you can help to bring a couple one step closer to their destination. We encourage every healthy woman who is 18-35 years old to assist the lives of two people with her “generosity” so that they are able to overcome all obstacles and make their dream come true.

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How can you benefit yourself and others as an egg donor?

  • You are helping two people who are consciously and repeatedly trying to have a child, achieve their goal and become parents.
  • You get free detailed examinations, as well as a thorough analysis and evaluation of your health.
  • You donate your eggs, without affecting your reproductive capacity for a future pregnancy in any way.
  • The rewards are not only emotional but also material since you will be fully compensated for your time and dedication.

Learn about the process and become an egg donor today.

When should a woman consider the solution of donated eggs?

For some women, the pursuit of happiness is associated with something so small, but at the same time so great: an egg.
Many women face infertility issues. Some are cases of women around the age of 40 that have premature menopause and others are of women that develop ovarian dysfunction due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Also, women who have a medical history of genetic disease or who repeatedly try IVF in order to conceive, find the solution in receiving an egg donation from a healthy and young donor.
Thus, the journey of anticipation reaches its end and the most thrilling part of a woman’s life can begin: motherhood.

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How can you be sure if you want to follow an IVF cycle with donated eggs?

If you have exhausted all other treatments and hope, your decision may at first raise some doubts, but every second thought will disappear the moment you hear the good news of a successful pregnancy.
By receiving the eggs of a young donor, you can “beat the clock” and experience the miracle of motherhood, giving birth to a healthy child, who will have the genetic material of one parent and will be conceived by you, sealing your connection.
The 9-month pregnancy biologically connects the mother with the child, through the magical journey of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, epigenetics emphasizes the important role of the uterus in the genotype and phenotype of the child. This is because gene expression is determined by multiple factors and is not predicted exclusively by our DNA.

Should I meet the egg recipient or donor?

Many women are reluctant to make their initial decision, thinking of the possible interaction with the donor. However, according to the legal framework, there is complete anonymity and confidentiality throughout the process. Thus, the identity of the donor and the couple who receive the eggs is kept confidential and the whole procedure takes place without any contact between them and with complete discretion.

Will I receive the necessary attention in both cases? (As a donor and as an egg recipient)

During the procedure, both the recipient and the egg donor are treated with the same care and “sensitivity”. The goal is for both women to receive personalized and safe treatment throughout the duration of the program.

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How can I learn more about the IVF procedure?

The concept of egg donation may not be new to the scientific community, but it is certainly something new for women who are not aware of the procedure. You can read about the legislation concerning donated eggs in this article.

Clinical embryologist Dimitris Papadopoulos, specializing in Reproductive Medicine, is always by the side of all couples and women who want to take the next step. He therefore provides complete information on all the clinical processes involved. His duty is to support the couples who want a new member in their family and the women who wish to offer it.