Male infertility – Semen Analysis
Investigating male infertility & Semen Analysis
According to research data, the male factor is exclusively responsible for about 20% of the cases of sterile couples and co-responsible in about 40-50%. The sperm analysis is the first and most important examination about male infertility.
The examination is performed according to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) using special techniques and a high-quality advanced microscope, in order to ensure maximum reliability in its results.
Semen Analysis
How to perform a Semen Analysis?
This specific examination requires 3 days of abstinence from ejaculation. On the 4th day, the sample is collected following specific instructions. This ensures better sperm production.
The sperm that a man produces, consists of
– spermatozoa that are created in the testes (10%)
– different fluids like amino acids, fructose and enzymes, all created in the seminal vesicles (60%)
– substances like acid phosphatase, citric acid and zinc that are created in the prostate gland (20%)
– other liquids like galactose created in the bulbourethral glands and the epididymis.
What data do we receive from the Semen Analysis?
The analysis provides us with results of microscopic and macroscopic observations of the sperm sample.
More specifically, the results of the macroscopic observations give us information about the liquidation of the sperm sample, its appearance (color), its volume, its viscosity and its pH.
The results of the microscopic observations tell us about the quantity of the spermatozoa in the sperm sample, their mobility, their composition, the presence of other cellular elements and the possible existence of agglutination.
It also gives us vital indications in cases of inflammation or infection (white blood cells)
What further tests must be carried out after a Semen Analysis?
If we want to perform additional tests relating infertility, we can do the following:
– Scrotum ultrasound
– Transrectal ultrasound (in order to check the seminal vesicle and the prostate)
– Blood hormone count
– Karyotype (to detect genetic anomalies)
– Testicle biopsy
– DNA Fragmentation Test
– Cystic fibrosis
– Sperm culture
Cases where the cause of infertility cannot be determined (30-40% of all cases), are labeled as idiopathic.
You can read more about male infertility examinations here
What causes male infertility?
– hormonal anomalies
– hereditary or acquired urogenital disorders
– infection of the urogenital system
– genetic disorders
– immunological factors
– increased temperature and enlarged veins in the scrotum (Varicoceles)
– medication or substances
Infertility Treatment
What is the best treatment for male infertility?
We recommend the most suitable treatment for each case only after careful research (fertility examinations) and always in cooperation with the respective andrologist or urologist.
More specifically, in cases of Varicoceles, we suggest that the patient performs an operation. In cases where the patient is taking medication or other chemical substances, we offer the option to stop and re-examine the treatment plan. The prescription of special medication or vitamin rich drugs can vastly improve the quality of the semen.
Finally, in cases of azoospermia, we recommend a testicular biopsy.