Personalized couples counseling
Personalized couples counseling
Regarding the embryological part of the assisted reproduction.
Many couples face fertility issues. Some find themselves in disarray due to the sheer volume of information that they are subjected to and have no idea how to use this knowledge to solve their problem. The couples that are considering In Vitro Fertilization in particular, have an even greater need for guidance. The same also applies to couples that have already experienced failed assisted reproduction attempts.
Couples who struggle with infertility are given a presentation which attempts to guide them and give them all the details about the embryological part of the IVF procedure, how it is carried out in the laboratory and how it can benefit them.
You can read more about the IVF procedure here and here.
The embryologist then conducts a specialized evaluation of the specific case with the ultimate goal of finding the most suitable plan that will lead to the solution of the couple’s unique problem.
I am at your disposal so that we can arrange a private session in which I will inform, explain and guide you appropriately.
I am by your side during your precious struggle!